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Advent – Trusting For Faith

Pastor Mak Kneebone

Updated: Mar 31, 2022


Luke 2:8-11, 15

In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see — I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord . . . When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.”


 Working third shift is tough. I did it for a little while. There were some advantages but I found it wasn’t something that I could do long-term. I know there are folks who do … and some do it by choice. I don’t know if these shepherds were taking the night shift by choice or if they were on the bottom rung of the social ladder. My guess, given their societal structure, that they were on the bottom rung. Shepherds in general were considered bottom rung, so to be working third shift was likely the lowest of the bottom.

It was a night like any other. They were watching for hazards or predators on behalf of the flocks they guarded. In the midst of a normal night there comes a surprise. Not a predator which they would have anticipated. Instead an angel greeted them.

These were rough people; the shepherds of the night. They did not scare easily. They fought off any and all who would try to slay or steal their flock. And yet we are told that they were terrified. The heavenly realm had just burst upon them. We would be terrified too.

The angel spoke words of peace and gave them good news – tidings of great joy. These rough men listened – astonished. Had the heavenly realm really just broken in upon them? How could this be? Surely they were the last ones to know. They were the last ones to know everything.

They led their flocks to Bethlehem to see the thing that they had been told. They left right away to behold this amazing and life changing news. They left immediately to find great joy. They left because they believed. Their belief … their faith … drew them onward.

These shepherds, not the last to hear this great news but the first, before kings or governors, before the rich, before the well fed and acceptable people, these shepherds got words first.

If anyone needed to hear good news of great joy it was them. If anyone needed something greater and more wonderful than the life they knew it was them. They grabbed on to this message of hope with their faith and didn’t let it go. They let it move them – physically taking their flocks to the town of Bethlehem. They also let it move them in the hearts and spirits. Their minds were moved in how to imagine such a thing so wonderful. And they went to see.

What will your faith grab hold of? Is there any good news of great joy that you have heard? Will you let it move you? Do you think you are the lowest and on the bottom rung? Do you wish you had better? Do you need good news? Will you welcome a surprise from the heavenly realm, as terrifying as it might be?

Terrifying because even though you are ready for almost anything you never imagined anything quite like this?

I want to walk to Bethlehem with you and see the thing that was told to us. I want to experience new life with you and become more than we are today.

I want to be like those shepherds with you. Let’s believe together and let our faith move us toward beauty, love, and life as we follow the angel voices even if we are terrified. Let’s believe, move, and be changed.

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