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Rev. Felix Carrion

Sr. Pastor of Plymouth United Church

Most recently the Rev. Felix Carrion served as Pastor of St. John's, UCC, in Rosenburg, Texas, where he enjoyed a close partnership with the leadership and membership of the congregation, from August 2019--March 2023. He considers his time at St. John's as a meaningful and fruitful one.

The Rev. Felix Carrion served as the Interim Minister of Hough’s Neck Congregational Church in  Quincy, MA., between 2013-2017. During this time he also served as a consultant, preacher and keynoter  to various organizations. His focus is spiritual and social empowerment and capacity building for active  participation in church life and public witness. In his work, Rev. Carrion weaves together head and heart to  inspire people to find and claim their voice as individuals and as members of community. 

Rev. Carrion served as a consultant to the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ, the  City Mission Society of Boston, and the national setting of the United Church of Christ, and as an Adjunct  Professor at Andover Newton Theological School. 

Between the years of 2008-2012, Rev. Felix Carrion served as the Coordinator of the United Church of  Christ marketing and identity campaign called the Still speaking Ministry. His efforts were guided by a  close collaboration with the Local Churches, Conferences and Covenanted Ministries of the UCC. 

Prior to this call the Rev. Carrion served as Pastor of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church (EACC) in  Cleveland, Ohio where he was active in ecumenical and interfaith communities and partnerships promoting  understanding, dialogue and justice commitments.  

Before arriving at EACC, Carrion was the Interim Minister at Faith, UCC, in Richmond Heights, Ohio  where he served from 2001-2003. 

Between the years of 1994-2000 he was with the United Church of Christ’s Office for Church in Society  and Commission for Racial Justice. As associate for multiracial and multicultural church empowerment,  Carrion provided support and training for the Church-in-Society and Racial Justice Ministries to  conferences, association, and local churches throughout the United Church of Christ. Rev. Carrion provided critical leadership as staff and spokesperson for the United Church of Christ’s pronouncement and proposal  for action on being a multiracial and multicultural church. In addition, Carrion helped articulate the United  Church of Christ’s biblical mandate in relation to emerging social issues and served as liaison between the  Commission for Racial Justice and the UCC’s Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries. 

From 1990 to 1994, Carrion was with the UCC’s Office for Church Life and Leadership, where he served  as minister for the Middle Atlantic Region and for ministry of laity. Based in Collegeville, PA. he  implemented church-wide leadership development programs in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New  Jersey, Virginia, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. In addition, Carrion also oversaw the production  of an award-winning video, “With These Gifts,” which features the ministry of the United Church of Christ  lay members in their churches, work places, communities and homes. 

In April 1994, Carrion spearheaded and served as the administrator of the five-day Latino/Latina Summit, a  first ever gathering of Hispanic leaders from throughout the denomination. The 165 participants developed  empowerment strategies and more than 100 recommendations for the church. At the conclusion of the  summit, Carrion directed the production of “Cumbre, the Latino and Latina Leadership Summit,” a 35  minute video. 

Throughout his calling Rev. Carrion has keynoted in numerous conferences and forums of the United  Church of Church and has served as guest preacher in many local churches throughout the country. His  speaking, preaching, workshop presenter, and lecturing gifts were honed in the Assemblies of God where  his early call and leadership, as a teenager, were already affirmed and encouraged.

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